So, these are my notes on the first fiscal sustainability counter-conference of the day, on Bill Mitchell's talk. I took them in hierarchical form in a text file because I couldn't get to this (IMO execrable, but whatever) TypePad app until I figured out how to use the GWU wireless.
- Arrived a little late, still caught most of Bill Mitchell's talk.
- Mostly about deficit terrorism, why households are not the same as gov'ts.
- Public purpose: maximizing employment.
- Governments: render private sector expectations in line with full employment.
- Therefore budget deficits are necessary in some cases and should be included in defn of sustainability (not everyone can run deficits.
- Government voluntary constraints that pretend that we're in the gold standard.
- A sovereign gov't can spend whatever it wants [really?] being
a currency monopoly.
- Can only buy what's available for sale, as well.
- Unemployment is a sign that there is no real resource constraint (gov't can always buy).
- The number that appears as the price of labour is not a cost
- Costs are only relevant at full employment[?].
- Ratio of X [gov't/deficits] to GDP is a bogus measure.
- Long-term pressures: intergenerational debate---about real resources, not currency.
- Current account deficit is not relevant? Somewhat flippant dismissal.
- NO sovereign debt problem.
- We need a new macroeconomic narrative. Reorient against financial matters and for the real economy.
- Panel
- Randy Wray: Discussion of the gov't efficiency to solve
- Insofar as there is unemployment, the most efficient employer is the gov't.
- Auerback: media absurdities, missed this
- Mosler: More media absurdities: does gov't have to tighten like private sector.
- Kelton: If gov't runs surplus, the rest of society runs into deficit.
- Cherneva: same with debt. If gov't pays down debt, private sector loses bond assets.
- Randy Wray: Discussion of the gov't efficiency to solve
- Q&A
- Someone mentions inflation.
- 70s inflation was caused by OPEC, not monetary policy.
- How to sell counter-intuitive MMT ideas to public.
- How to deal with voluntary and involuntary constraints: going to China is unnecessary.
- Mitchell told us that he has sacrificed journal articles for his blog.
- Oooh, Edward Harrison is here: dealing with the big government
talking point. What do we want the gov't to do? Emphasize
"public deficit == private surplus" talking point.
- Political decision: what do we want to do with our money? MMT orthogonal to this.
- Kelton: Japan's recent expansion/recession cycle. Recessions
happen when deficits cut.
- Re: politics. Hope when people understand they'll make the right choices. [increasingly dubious...]
- Someone mentions inflation.
bill mitchell's website is a lot of fun!
Posted by: almostinfamous | September 09, 2010 at 09:22 AM