Sadly, No! has a post on the congressional Democrats' complicity in torture, just in case you might have once thought, like Bradrocket, that the Dems were better on that issue. The credibility of the report is disputed in comments, but there's an overall discussion on the crediblity of the Dems in general.
Why do I even bother voting for Democrats again? I mean, WTF. It would be nice, really really nice, to have at least one goddamn party in this doomed nation that stands fully against torture. Jesus H., you horrible assholes. Don’t you have any damn principles? Don’t you have any ethics? Have you ever, at any point in your miserable lives, taken a principled stand on any issue?
Again, I feel sick. Favoring torture is now a bipartisan issue. David Broder must be very pleased.
This Kos diary by Jerome à Paris contains a link to a fascinating Financial Times report.
Minimum wages are new in Germany, where pay is traditionally negotiated by business federations and trade unions. Yet they are hugely popular – a survey this week showed 78 per cent in favour. Yet Mr Westerwelle said the CDU’s decision to bow to popular pressure merely underscored the weakness of its leadership.
The horror! Leaders bowing to popular pressure? Next thing you know, they'll want democracy.
The FT editorial on this issue is a hoot too.
None of this will be new to most of you. I don't know why I posted it---which is the general problem with blogging for me, it's so hard to post anything original, and there's nothing more banal than hatred for democracy. But then you get those public service ads on TV from the Shriners about not cooking your kids, so I'm thinking of this post in that vein.
Posted by: Adroable Girlfriend | December 10, 2007 at 11:30 AM
Posted by: Adroable Girlfriend | December 10, 2007 at 11:38 AM
Hey. The Democrats in Congress might not be trying to stop torture but at least they didn't start it. I'm sure that will earn them a much more comfortable seat in hell.
Posted by: Snag | December 10, 2007 at 05:25 PM
Posted by: Chuckles | December 10, 2007 at 05:45 PM
This is why I prefer to discuss bake-offery.
Posted by: Jennifer | December 12, 2007 at 09:52 AM
The cookies are on their way!
Posted by: Mandos | December 12, 2007 at 03:18 PM