Soon an arbitrary moment will pass, and we will write our cheques for 2008 rather than 2007, if we haven't already been doing that. But more important is my discovery of this:
It is something my friend made at a party a few days ago. He called it "chupaquesos." It apparently comes from some webcomic. Is it not awesome? There is only one ingredient: grated cheese. That's eat. Just eat the fried cheese. It is like a cheese omelette without the annoying eggs.
Rather than ring in the """New""" """Year""", I am ringing in the chupaqueso.
PS: I also had dessert at said party. With another friend's awesome pineapple carrot cake.
By comparison, your tables were meagre indeed.
Loving the food pr0n, Mandos! *drool*
"Have you been up all night eating cheese?"
Posted by: godammitkitty | January 01, 2008 at 12:59 AM
The two pies were from Thyme and Again, a bakery/café on the Other Wellington in Ottawa. One was chocolate glop on a thin layer of raspberry jam. The other was lemon glop. The lemon glop went very well with the fresh blueberries just off camera.
Posted by: Mandos | January 01, 2008 at 01:59 AM
It may be Cheese Mandos, but wtf is holding it together? I hate cheese when it coagulates or sumthing. Explain.
Posted by: | January 01, 2008 at 02:57 AM
Nothing is holding it together. It is like the crust of a cheese bun. The frying forces the water out of the cheese so that the bottom of the chupaqueso is just a sort of cheese crisp.
Posted by: Mandos | January 01, 2008 at 03:28 AM
According to the webcartoon in question (Schlock Mercenary) you can add chunks of bacon and it still counts. Mmmm, bacon.
Posted by: Purple Library Guy | January 14, 2008 at 03:10 AM
Posted by: Mandos | January 14, 2008 at 09:20 PM