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December 27, 2007



I agree with you, Mandos. But you knew that. Westerners will misread this assassination in their own terms for a while, but then both the real realities (life in Pakistan) and the created realities (big-power politics) will go on much as before. I don't mean to be callous; I'm just trying to be realistic.


Thanks, Mandos.

blue girl

Thanks for the post, Mandos. It's a complicated situation and very sad for that country that they live in such turmoil constantly. I suppose it's good they can keep on keepin' on through all of it, but it's so sad that they are forced to.

billy pilgrim

And what this means for ordinary life in Pakistan in the near future: probably not all that much. Life has gone on and will go on for what is a chaotic and poor society...

Unless, of course, Cheney decides to spread 'democracy' there.

I agree about B. Bhutto. Iconic as she was, she apparently shared some failings with other leaders, including an easy hand in the till.

But the further destabilization spells nothing but deepening troubles.


Your final paragraph is worthy of a Graham Greene novel. Sad that things have changed so little.

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