It's kind of late, I guess, by a few hours---on the Islamic calendar, the day ends/begins at sundown. But I just celebrated Eid ul-Fitr with my family in Ottawa. As usual, there was the worldwide confusion over whose interpretation of the moon-sighting rules was more correct; one sights the moon to determine the end of the month, in this case, the month of Ramadan. Yes, I've gone back into blog-delinquency (bloglinquency?) for no reason other than "meh" and "ennui", but I thought it was necessary to write something to close off my Ramadan post.
Why am I back in Canada? I am satisfying the demands of our global police state. I find the whole process annoying and offensive, and believe that it doesn't have any intrinsic benefit or merit to my life or to the life of any of the people I know that we should all have to obtain permission and submit documents to see any other part of the world. Limited freedom from our national prisons costs $90. I can only imagine what it must be like to carry a Syrian passport or something like that.
Papers, please!
It is annoying and offensive indeed, Mandos. My passeport is lapsed just now, and sometimes when I think of that I feel exactly as you say -- a prisoner, or at least vulnerable in any emergency.
Posted by: skdadl | October 14, 2007 at 05:13 AM
Posted by: Kathleen | October 20, 2007 at 12:25 AM
Yes, my bloglinquency seems to be linked to my mehnnui.
Posted by: Mandos | October 20, 2007 at 04:09 PM
I felt out of sorts when I did not have a valid passport. If the US does go down the toilet like I keep thinking it will, I'll stay to help fix it. I still like having the last freedom available to me, though. The freedom to leave.
Posted by: Chuckles | October 24, 2007 at 12:31 PM
Hiya, I read about ur take on Not without my Daughter. I was skimming through google and stumbled on ur link. Of all the comments I have read, yours is truly the most balanced one. Feels good that some people have looked at it rationally, rather than downgrade Iran/ Islam.
Keep it up.
Posted by: Shweta Chimkod | October 24, 2007 at 04:55 PM
I agree with you. I recently read a book similar to 'Not without my daughter' (I don't remember the name). The author's kids were smuggled to Iran by her husband. In the book, she talks about getting them back to the US. However, she also praises some of her ex-husband's (a Muslim) qualities like hard work, merit etc.
Islam is merely a religion which is getting alienated from main stream society because of a few hardline elements.
This scenario reminds me of the Ku Kulx clan, which finally got wiped out because of its own activities of hatred (read Freakonomics for more on this). This extremism is probably something which eventually will die down because people will see right through it and realize it's not the way to go.
God bless...
Posted by: 3rd Rock From The Sun | November 05, 2007 at 04:37 PM
I agree with you. I recently read a book similar to 'Not without my daughter' (I don't remember the name). The author's kids were smuggled to Iran by her husband. In the book, she talks about getting them back to the US. However, she also praises some of her ex-husband's (a Muslim) qualities like hard work, merit etc.
Islam is merely a religion which is getting alienated from main stream society because of a few hardline elements.
This scenario reminds me of the Ku Kulx clan, which finally got wiped out because of its own activities of hatred (read Freakonomics for more on this). This extremism is probably something which eventually will die down because people will see right through it and realize it's not the way to go.
God bless...
Posted by: 3rd Rock From The Sun | November 05, 2007 at 04:38 PM
cwtgevfp etdh ajxhozpm pgtjvfnyh ukqcafbrj bsyul nhtwb
Posted by: gorvh wxcftk | July 13, 2008 at 12:36 AM
cwtgevfp etdh ajxhozpm pgtjvfnyh ukqcafbrj bsyul nhtwb
Posted by: gorvh wxcftk | July 13, 2008 at 12:36 AM
hgtd tyjekd mvuhs tdulgi kdjsflt efdobch umjfg
Posted by: wzputgla yvjuzsfot | October 13, 2008 at 04:08 PM
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Posted by: feetraple | February 14, 2012 at 04:11 AM