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September 12, 2007



Sing it, brother. I too have been to DC, and I too have met Chuckles, and I too am a better person for it.


Yeah, and I missed you by a couple of days. Too bad, eh?


"Sing it, brother. I too have been to DC, and I too have met Chuckles, and I too am a better person for it."

What? So is there like a Chuckles Club now???

Is Chuckles going to turn into the new L. Ron Hubbard and start a church all his own?

Adorable Girlfriend

Chuckles Club? Jennifer why do your encourage them?

You too made out and then you went back to Chuckles and he did your nail polish for you. I know because Clif told me!


Next year in DC, Mandos.


gay armpit fetish

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