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So John Edwards paid for a 2-minute spot to give a counter-speech to Bush's predictable speech last night. Found from *sigh* kos,
Well, despite the problems in the speech, as skdadl might say, it may well be that "the bastard you don't know is worth the risk." John Edwards sits by himself on the lonely second tier of the Democratic primary, behind that horrible woman and that tedious man. It's not hard to see how, in that position, listening to the party's anti-war segment might be a good political move, in that if he doesn't find a base, he's even toastier than he probably already is. Next Howard Dean? Maybe. Without the scream.But despite the money outlay for the ad and despite the risk, the greater part of the credit for this does not go to him, but to the tireless efforts of the serious American anti-war movement, yes: from Cindy Sheehan all the way down to International ANSWER, even after what some people seem to feel is their distracting and irritating behaviour. Without such as them, the American political elite would indubitably trudge along, doing what it does best. And you probably don't need me to tell you what it does best, do you now?Even then, it's most strident voices (mmm, NPod) are crying out in anger against the very possibility that the war might be taken from them: dirty hippies and their Dolchstoß*.
*I like this word just for the ess-tsett, of course.
"that horrible woman and that tedious man" -- *grin*
I can testify to the Edwards erototoxin factor -- very high.
Posted by: skdadl | September 18, 2007 at 05:01 AM
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"that horrible woman and that tedious man" -- *grin*
I can testify to the Edwards erototoxin factor -- very high.
Posted by: skdadl | September 18, 2007 at 05:01 AM