I am sorry. I have neglected and abandoned you. It all started in April, when prepositions started invading my brain. They immediately deleted my blogging module. By the time I had it reinstalled, I was swamped by reams and reams of annoying and pointless paperwork that amounted to nothing. After that, I took on a short stint with an enormous evil megacorporation, plying my real-life trade for the betterment and expansion of the empire. It left me little energy for blogging.
Now I'm on a brief vacation.
You might have noticed that this blog got overrun by spam. Most of it is deleted now, but sadly I deleted one or two legitimate comments by accident.
Actually, when I abandon my blog, I stop even looking at it, so I didn't even know how much spam there was. Actually, I almost let TypePad expire my blog by not checking to see whether the 6A bill was being paid.
In other news, Canada should get out of Afghanistan. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. A two-minute examination of rudimentary Central Asian history should tell you why, if the obvious morality and politics don't. Just. Get. Out. Why is there any more to say?
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