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March 06, 2007


Adorable Girlfriend

Anti-semitism is never progressive. Anyone who thinks so deserves to see a moyle right now because they need a serious snip to the crotch region!


Oh, I agree completely. There's a long history and context to this post, however, of which you may not be aware, which has little to do with anti-semitism.


"I can't comment on the merits of the case."

But you can make snide remarks about our decision in any case. Your intellectual honesty is simply stellar. We can all learn from you.

This from the person who wanted us to ban all kinds of people for racism, sexism, etc. But when we do ban someone for an unadulterated anti-Semitic comment, you're all over us. Bravo. I'm impressed.


As I said, I have no opinion on whether or not My Blahg should have been banned, having not read the comment. I am only congratulating you for embarking on the painful and difficult path of learning to make distinctions.

Adorable Girlfriend

I know, but AG wanted to say it. Especially since she's bored and doesn't want to write this damn SOP tonight!

Scott Tribe

Jason had nothing to do with MyBlahg's removal at Prog Blog. He began his complaints against Robert on Monday morning. We had been made aware of these comments Sunday Afternoon, by someone other then Jason. We already had 1 moderator at that point calling for his expulsion.

So, as a result, we now have some of our blog members leaving because we're becoming too "echo chamberish" for them over this decision.

Strange how we can't win anyways we rule, eh? I guess we must be doing ok if all sides criticize,


D'oh! Not that trope again.

I'm happy that some people are thinking that you are becoming too echo chamberish. Now to become the right kind of echo chamber.


Good to see Scott running around to every blog pandering for Jason, quite a sad sight.

Progressive moderators who are appointed decide that it is all right to be a sexist racist idiot as long as its not at one target by a supporter of a certain party, sad. As long as Jason is deemed "progressive", the whole PB gang is a joke.


But, contra Sid, I'm really glad to see you all here. I don't think that the comments on a thread on this blog have ever piled up so quickly, that pathetically small is my regular readership (Note to pathetically small readership: I still love you guys). It bringeth a tear to this Vala's eyes, and you can appreciate how rarely that happens to Mandos.


Sid, you're blowing smoke. "Pandering" to Jason? Bullshit. We were on this a full day before Jason opened his yap. If you are alleging otherwise, PPOSTFU.


It's nice to see, John, that your hand hasn't gotten any less heavy since the heady days of the NCF. (I conjecture, of course, at your identity on the basis of your information on the front page of your own blog.)


Yes, it is in fact him. He reminisced about your fond NCF acquaintance not too long ago.

See, it doesn't *actually matter* what day you guys were on My-Blahg-gate relative to when Jason Cherniak was on it. Not at least for Sid's critique to hold.


Well, we could hope they'd go farther, but I think that hope is rather misplaced. Interesting to see where the walls of PB's "big tent" fall. Stupid and hateful comments about Jews? No good. Deliberate, repeated hateful comments about women? (I know complaints have been made about at least 2 affiliates for that reason.) You're A - OK! Lesson: make sure you hate the right people!


It disturbs me somewhat - of course, we know that it happens to everyone - when I find out that people talk about me when I'm not around.


I do recommend your blog to people who are looking for a place for the more "heavy" kind of theory, instead of my own lay musings.


I think - if you can believe it - I'll be turning my attention to more narrow disciplinary matters for the next couple of weeks. Sociology (especially Canadian sociology) is constituted by an omni-present crisis... my programme has invited one such doom-speaker to be our annual keynote. Preparations are underway!


There's no general bitterness in this thread, and that's why I'm not coming back to it - it's just too cheerful.


I said nothing but nice things about you, Craig. I'm sure Mandos will bear me out.

I normally have a lighter touch these days, but I react badly to slander.


Admitting a general ignorance of the issue beyond what I've read here, I'm not too sure where the "slander" fits in. Mandos is certainly not your old interlocutor, ANL or JA!


The slander is the critique of the way in which the Progressive Bloggers is becoming the wrong kind of echo chamber, which was, admittedly, it's probable fate given the way it was conceived. Dr. Dawg takes the criticism very personally, as an attack on his and his colleagues' integrity.

But yes, Dr. Dawg did, in fact, say laudatory things about you. And actually, Dr. Dawg did very likely interact with me, but in different NCF forums, since apparently we never met in the years that we were both on NCF, some of which overlapped with the time that we were both on c.g.


(I found the discussion between the two you - my vanity (or what you call my "endearing arrogance") couldn't resist.)

As you've pointed out before, I didn't find that site particularly compelling. The meaning of "progressive" appears rather vacuous, extending so far as to include disgruntled former members of the PC who are upset that the RPC took over thus marginalizing them. That is, "progressive" seems to include everything up to and including Brian Mulroney!


Oh, and worse. I sometimes think wistfully back to the days of Mulroney, with Tories who largely weren't, at least, manipulative faux philistines.


Actually, I was sure Mandos was Bertie, but that's another thread. :)

The slander I was referring to here did encompass some of Mandos' more cryptic postings, but I was referring more directly to stuff like this:

"Progressive moderators who are appointed decide that it is all right to be a sexist racist idiot as long as its not at one target by a supporter of a certain party, sad. As long as Jason is deemed "progressive", the whole PB gang is a joke."

It's never OK to be a sexist racist idiot over at ProgBlog. Well, not a sexist or racist, anyway. :)

And I promise Kuri that the next time someone says they will remain indifferent while women are rounded up and taken away to concentration camps, I'll abandon my usual weak-kneed stance and come out swinging.


I've definitely never been called Bertie. I suspect that I knew you better than you knew me.


Please, stop the flood of "memories"!

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