Anh Khoi Do's inner self, determinedly marching forth to smite the pseudonymous Internet hordes.
I'm sure my recent posts on Anh Khoi Do, "secularism", and race---really a case of majoritarian wannabeism if you want it brought down to a nutshell---are still fresh in the minds of my multitudinous throngs of adoring, adoring fans (posts first here and then here). Woe unto me, for I have awakened an intellectual giant, a figure of true blogular prowess and courage.
Finally, unlike you, Mandos, I have enough courage to publish my works with my real name. Now, who’s the one who doesn’t have guts and balls, eh?
I actually anticipated most of his responses on my subsequent post. For instance, I do, in fact, think France is a racist country, in the sense I think that this planet is swaddled in a somewhat uneven blanket of racism among other ills. But the purpose of this paragraph mystifies me. I never questioned the "guts and balls" of the great eponymous orator Anh Khoi Do. I never mentioned anything about his or my name.
From my "pathetic blog brimming with weak analysis," I merely pointed out the ideological consequences of Anh Khoi Do's stand. And behold his truly glorious riposte.