I recently bought a package of dried pitted dates to replenish my stock for this second week of Ramadan. For those who don't know, it's traditional---though by no means obligatory---to break a Ramadan fast in the evening with a date. I actually like the taste of dates, so I tend to eat more than one a day, and my stock diminishes quite quickly.
Anyway, these dates are from, God help me, the Dole company. And they aren't that great, as dates go. A little stale-tasting and mushy, but passable. Dates should be a bit chewy, really, and a little more sweet. More heartening, however, is that mark that this package of dates bears.
The sign it bears: the familiar and welcome mark of the Orthodox Union, one of the Jewish kosherifying bodies in the USA. Prior to the OU providing kosher examination services to date distributors, you see, there used to be an unfortunate practice in the date industry called "date-porking". You see, it was discovered a long time ago that they best way to keep dates fresh tasting---not stale like these Dole dates---was to wrap the date bunches in large slices of ham for transport, and then "dust" the dates off afterwards by lovingly rubbing the ham slices over them individually. Kosher approval of dates has put an end to this unfortunate practice, and I, for one, am grateful to the OU for this service.
Do you know that something called "date squares" is a distinctively Canadian dish, Mandos? You cook the dates up with a little water and some spices, and then use them as the filling in between a bottom and a top layer of an oatmeal pastry. Quite yummy.
Posted by: skdadl | October 10, 2006 at 12:06 PM
I know date squares. Unfortunately, I could never learn to like them :(
Posted by: Mandos | October 10, 2006 at 12:54 PM
Are those similar to that repulsive concoction, "the fig newton"? (I believe that's what they are called.
Posted by: Craig | October 10, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Alas, yes. Perhaps a little more flavourful because of the crust. On occasion, I have encountered a *good* date square.
Fig newtons, such as they are, however, are an improvement over dried figs, IMO. Date squares are usually a step down from good dates. These Dole dates are actually not much better than date squares, however.
The supermarket underestimated the Ramadan demand for dates, because they are almost out of even the Dole stuff. I'm hoping they'll finally get a shipment of those medjool dates that are so tasty.
Posted by: Mandos | October 10, 2006 at 02:01 PM
Fig Newtons are the food of the gods.
Mandos, did you have your date today? I can't believe you actually do that.
Posted by: Violet Socks | October 11, 2006 at 02:42 AM
I did, in fact, have my date yesterday.
Posted by: Mandos | October 11, 2006 at 03:04 PM
Ooh. How exciting. How did it go? ;-)
Fig Newtons are so different, though. The crust is a commercial biscuit dough, and while they are a cut above your average cookie, they are still not fresh food.
The crust of date squares, if made with real oatmeal, is most tasty and healthy. I'm the reverse of you, Mandos: I love the simple fig, fresh or dried, but I'm not so keen on your naked date.
Posted by: skdadl | October 14, 2006 at 02:18 PM
Wait. That last was a straight line, right?
Posted by: Mandos | October 15, 2006 at 06:12 PM