We're having a field day on Liberal bloggers here, apparently. Jason Cherniak, another typical party hack and pipsqueak (these are disgustingly common in the Canadian blogosphere), has engaged apparently in a classic discussion board troll tactic in his bizarre war against someone named DiNovo who is apparently all the rage on the "progressive" bloggers aggregator site of which, inexplicably, Cherniak is a member. Most of his credentials on the matter amount to the trivial act of opposing Stephen Harper and making use of whatever convenient politics permit him to do so.
It is very common on political discussion boards of one perspective or another for people of different political sympathies to engage in a crude and destructive tactic that generally goes like this:
- Post a series of leading questions intended to divert discussion from the main focus of the site.
- Watch as the moderators take corrective action to---imagine!---moderate the discussion.
- Crow all over the internets about how one was censored! censored! on a limited-scope discussion site which one had transparently and obviously decided to troll.
This crowing in step 3 takes the form of a peculiar verbal orgasm, because the banning is a thing, for such individuals, to celebrate, as it enables them to lie about the situation to their intended audience, in front of whom (they think) the victims have little chance of defending themselves. I say "lie" very consciously, because most effective lies contain a grain of truth to them: Cherniak was indeed apparently banned. The lie is his description of that for which he was banned---which was being deliberately disruptive by asking questions that he knew his targets would consider to be leading and unfair in order to score a cheap point.
(And his questions are leading. This DiNovo woman, an OntNDP by-election candidate somewhere in Toronto and erstwhile Christian preacher, has had some unusual but nontrivial ideas about drugs and Christian forgiveness. His questions assume that she wants to give LSD to children and let pedophiles molest them, or something---I could hardly care what the substance of the issue is, really.
"Will somebody PLEASE think of the children? Since we were already on the subject of the Simpsons.)
I am a member of rabble's discussion forum, babble. I was very active for five years there, or something. An internal rift a few months ago, with whose gory details I shall not bore the reader, caused a large exodus of members to two other sites, and I followed one group of them. Cherniak-types were a very common problem at babble, since sites with even a modicum of seriousness about social progress have always been subject to incessant attacks by pipsqueaks with agendas or nothing more interesting to do. I am personally acquainted in real life with the moderators and am glad that they continue to assert the primary purpose of the site, rather than let it become an instrument for vicious, politically empty hucksters who raise spurious charges of censorship against a single Internet site with a well-defined goal.
Jason Cherniak, on the other hand, has demonstrated himself in this affair to be precisely what I have described him above to be, little more than a cheap Internet troll whose ego has been so stroked by his elevation to a trivial campaign post by Stéphane Dion that he ostensibly believes that he has demonstrated to us something of greater significance than his willingness to twist and lie. This, alas, is likely to be the very standard in Canadian partisan politics, and I'm sure the development of these habits will take Cherniak far.
Well said.
Posted by: Eugene Plawiuk | September 08, 2006 at 07:40 AM
Pipsqueak is a very good way to describe him. What an idiot.
Posted by: politiquevert | September 08, 2006 at 07:49 AM
Please don't paint all Liberals with the Cherniak brush. Many Liberals are disgusted with JC antics and have called him out on it.
I have expressed my dissatisfaction directly to the Dion camp and have stopped supporting Dion financial because of it.
Posted by: ElvisIsGod | September 08, 2006 at 10:07 PM
Sorry dude, it's not Liberals I'm painting badly here (that's another story), it's party hacks. Specifically people who look like they were student's council weenies in high school.
Posted by: Mandos | September 08, 2006 at 11:05 PM
er broadly, not badly. But I'm distracted here.
Posted by: Mandos | September 08, 2006 at 11:57 PM
"Help, help! I'm being oppressed!"
Posted by: belledame222 | September 11, 2006 at 01:49 PM