Hello. You may have noticed that this blog has been on hiatus for a while, particularly since I couldn't find a coblogger or guest blogger. I've been kinda busy...travelling, closing a chapter of my life, visiting relatives, etc, etc. But you may have noticed that I was posting comments elsewhere. It's because I was inspired enough to react to others, but insufficiently inspired to write my own posts. World, why are you being so boring? Actually the world is not boring, it simultaneously scary and annoying, and I spend my time increasingly fretting over whether civilization will survive Peak Oil, and I happen to like civilization for all its copious boils and warts. But Peak Oil is extensively covered on other blogs, from the "civilization is over" school to the "innovation is infinite" school and the majority who sits in between.
Anyway, I'm going to try to pick up again, especially since I have a little time to rest, so we'll see. Now if there were only a way to force people to pay attention, well, *rubs hands together dreamily*.