Every time I start feeling down about the overall state of the world, indeed, down enough to say that I'm depressed abou it, I visit JunkScience.com. I don't believe most any of it, and can see the transparent way it operates: in order to distract from the vested interests it represents, it spends a lot of time vociferously claiming that environmentalists are a powerful industry helping to oppress the entrepreneurial spirit. A particularly inspired post:
Concerned about the Amazon burning they're going to... set fire to it? "Woods Hole Research Center plans controlled burn in Amazon rainforest" - "Fire is an important agent of transformation in the Amazon landscape. Every year, low intensity fires burn thousands of square miles of Amazon forest. To study the effects of these, and the forests' ability to recover from repeated burning, Woods Hole Research Center scientists will burn two and a half square kilometers of forest in the transition forest of northern Mato Grosso state, at Fazenda Tanguro in Querencia, from late August into early September." (Woods Hole Research Center).
So obviously if you're concerned about the burning of the Amazon forests, then the correct response is to do no research whatsoever as to the consequences of it. Right. Note that their primary complaint against environmentalism is an alleged lack of research. The ignorance being license to continue on the same course, naturally...hmm, it all starts to make sense now.
But like I said above, the site is such a comfort to read. Because if they're even a little bit right about anything, it should be a major relief to all well-intentioned people. Even if they came to those conclusions for the wrong reasons.